A Little About Me

Mihir Patel

👋Hey There, It's Mihir!
I work with Salesforce and Veeva, and I'm a big fan of Python, coding in my free time. When I'm not at my desk, I'm usually hitting new trails with my wife. I'm an introvert at heart but thrive in team settings. I've got a master's in IT Management, am a certified Salesforce Application Architect, and am a certified Veeva Admin. Interested in connecting? Please reach out through the contact form below.

Visit my BLOG to learn more about me.

My Pet Projects


Salesforce Field Explorer is a Python tool that extracts a list of standard and custom Salesforce objects and exports detailed information about each object's fields into an Excel book. Each object is cataloged in separate sheets within the workbook, providing a comprehensive and navigable overview of an object fields schema.

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This script automates the extraction of metadata from Salesforce reports and exports the information into an Excel file. It's designed to help Salesforce admins and analysts quickly gather insights into report configurations, usage, and structure without manually navigating the Salesforce UI.

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his is a Python utility for programmatically downloading Salesforce reports into your device. Utilizing `simple_salesforce` and `pandas`, it automates the extraction of report data and metadata, organizing it into the same format as you see in SFDC. Users need to configure their Salesforce credentials and specify the report ID.

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